West Obsessed

Yo! man..wassup..  how the fuck r u dude .. It’s smoking hot.. huh!!

Don’t pretend that you haven’t heard this kind of shit-ish language in your neighbourhood. It’s quite trending among the younger population specially among the creamy layers. Watching western movies and humming English songs, wearing gigantic “Beats” headphone, eyes stuck to large screen mobile and pretending as if they are the busiest person in the world (the only thing they do is scroll down in their Facebook page) and if you ask them anything their expressions would be as if they have just landed here from America. I mean seriously what’s happening to our younger generation?

 Western media

One of the many reasons (and the most important one) of this kind of influence is the media and by the word “media”. I don’t want to limit the word’s capacity to newspapers and #BBC, I mean social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and if you allow me I would further like to add T.V. channels and shows like WWE (once in awhile every child  get obsessed with this fake wrestling), Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon. I mean look at those “White people” whatever they are doing that’s so cool bro! isn’t ? (and so fucking-ly fake).

Which country are you in? Have you ever seen any news channel of China in your country or of Japan, India or Russia? “NO!” Any comedy show of any of these countries? “Probably one or two”. Any Western show? “Oh! Yes many.” In fact Western media’s penetration is far more than what we think. It does’t matter where you live, you must be knowing many of the western shows. BBC has a worldwide reach, The Wall Street Journal is among the most read newspapers in the world with publications around the globe and The Guardian and The New York Times are the largest web news media, having over millions of readers. Where there is none of these, there is social media. You must be wondering what’s wrong in this? Surely nothing wrong until you don’t realise that you are being manipulated by Western governments, brain washed by them. “WTF! How can Facebook or Twitter can manipulate me?” You must be wondering. On-line media and print media is among the most which affects our perception about other things and “our local media” has not so much network of its own in many parts of the world, so, mostly they depends on these giants for informations and references. This gives the Western media an upper hand, they can mislead us, give us distorted and incomplete data to defame any country’s image(the documentary “INDIA’s DAUGHTER” of BBC is such a propaganda against India. As BBC is the most reputed news media in Europe, a bad image will affect the country in tourism, in FDI and in many other social, political and economical ways), any person’s image(as it was done in case of Edward Snowden, who was a CIA agent and later released some nasty truths of U.S in Wikileaks) or to boast about themselves (as BBC does for U.K and Washington Post for U.S ). The trends in Twitter and Facebook is manipulated by U.S government (believe it or not) as well as the results in Google search is not untouched by them(why do you think Google’s results vary with country?). Doesn’t it ever bother you that all the BIG companies(specially in digital world) are from U.S or U.K? I understand they have money and good technology but still, is it not abnormal to have no such biggie from India, China, South Korea, Japan or even Russia(the former USSR)?

OK! It’s time for few quick questions:-

Q: Are you West Obsessed?  “OK! answer it later. It maybe too soon to answer.”

Q: Which country you hated the most during 80’s? “Is it USSR? I think so.”

Q: Which country you hated the most during the start of 21 st century? “Iraq, Afghanistan ah!?”

Q: Which country you hate the most now? “Is it China?”(For what reasons?)

Noticed anything? YES! all these countries are/were enemies of the U.S and the West, and the reason we hate them is because U.S and the West hate them. In all the wars and conflicts the West media boast the West as if they are our protector, as if they are our warriors against the evils and crimes, as if they care about HUMAN RIGHTS. The truth is U.S and the West have only involved in wars and conflicts for their own profit. Some times it was for oils (as in the case of Iraq), natural resources (as in case of Africa), other times it was for sole domination (as in case of Afghanistan) in that area and some times for opposing rising powers (like Russia and China) (look at the number of wars and conflicts that U.S and NATO has participated in and decide yourself what they have done for the world till now.)American-Patriot

Some of you might argue that you hate Russia because of its participation in Ukraine crisis(giving aid to the rebels) and because of Vladimir Putin. Well to those I would say look at your own backyard. Terrorism that the world is plagued with was born because of U.S and nurtured by them. They armed Afghani men, women and children to oppose Russia’s presence in Afghanistan (watch the video link marked, showing Hillary Clinton accepting that they funded terrorism in Afghanistan). Not only this, they have funded serious terrorists groups like Al-Qaeda, Taliban and even now they are funding many terrorist groups, even ISIS. (Here is an another link which supports the point that U.S is funding terrorism in Syrian State (IS))

So, I ask you again are you WEST OBSESSED?kl_divorceascov600x600

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